
Either I'm planning on being busy for the next century, or I have a serious problem...

I'm going with the latter. Is there a support group for this?

Here's a "little" stash enhancement that jumped into several of my bags on the latest trip to the Bay area; a very dangerous place for a crafter and someone trying to walk on the path to financial freedom!

I have lots of goodies to report back on, mostly for my other blog - the groundwork blog - because it is more "work" related. Anyway... stay posted for little tidbits from the trip. In typical me fashion, you know there are a ton of pictures that I have to edit, research and label. A feat I'm not looking forward to, but is necessary! Do it right, or don't do it at all, is what I say!

I'm also going to try to tweak my format and not fill so much space with text. The art of succinctness has never been a strong point, so bear with me and try to be patient as I detox.

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